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30-Day Core Fitness for Horses


You and your horse can benefit from the teachings of renowned horse trainer and top-selling author, Jec Ballou. Jec’s online course, 30-Day Core Fitness for Horses, provides a step-by-step guide to tune up your horse’s fitness, postural muscles, and balance. 

Through this course, students will learn how to optimize periods of lesser activity due to poor weather, limited schedules, or post-injury. Each week includes a "walk workout" routine to perform 3-5 times during the week in addition to 3 calisthenic exercises that target a horse's deep, stabilizing muscles. All exercises can easily be modified for solely groundwork, which is beneficial for horses that are recovering from injury and can’t be ridden, but that still need to move. All exercises can be performed in a paddock or large yard, and a full arena is not required.

The course is self-paced and there are no preset beginning or end dates. You can start the course whenever is convenient for you, and it's no problem if you need to take a break partway through. Just pickup where you left off! You'll even be able to access the course after you complete the program, so you can refer back to it anytime. 

This course is hosted on Thinkific, so the button below will redirect you to that site to finalize your purchase and course registration.